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Anthony Buzzelli in Kalamazoo

Purpose: Improving PNC performance reporting for KzCF

Attending: Katie Richards, Rob McDougall, Chris Ruppel

One Comment

  1. Katie Richards February 25, 2020 at 12:03 pm

    PNC Reporting Improvements to be discussed:

    Selected Period Performance

    1. Include Since Inception returns on main Selected Period Performance report.
    2. Indicate gross or net returns
    3. Clarify Inception Date. On the current Inception return report, Inception date is August 1, 1999. 171 months brings us to 10/1/2005. At first glance it appears that the inception return goes as far back as August 1, 1999.
    4. Compute inception return as of August 1, 1999 and 10/1/2005
    5. Report gross returns on the Excel file “Net Summary of Performance”

    Summary of Investment Performance

    1. Indicate the time period covered.
    2. Reformat to see data points as displayed on 2019Q3 report.

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